Roman Pit Grilled Chicken
Ingredient / Bahan2
- 1 whole chicken (1.5Kg) / 1 Ekor Ayam (1.5Kg)
- 1 Tbsp of Korma Spice / Rempah Kurma
- 1 Tbsp of Curry Spice / Rempah Kari Daging
- 2 Tbsp Olive Oil / Minyak Zaitun atau Minyak Masak
- 6 Cloves Garlic / Bawang Putih
- 6 Shallots / Bawang Merah kecil
- 1 Stalk of Parsley / Daun Ketumbar
- 1 Big Onion / Bawang Besar
- 4 Tomatoes / Buah Tomato
- 6 Medium Size Potatoes / Ubi Kentang saiz sederhana
- 2 Tsp Turmeric Powder / Kunyit Serbuk
- 1 Lime / Limau Asam
- 1 Tsp Sugar / Gula
- 1 Tbsp Salt / Garam
- 1 Tin Foil Size 2' x 2' / Pembungkus Timah saiz 2' x 2'
Preparation of Ingredient / Penyediaan Bahan2
- Clean the chicken keep it whole, rub with mixture of 2 Tsp of Olive oil, turmeric powder, salt and lime outer and the inner part of the chicken/ Bersihkan ayam dan disapu dengan campuran, 2 sudu kecil minyak masak,kunyit serbuk, sedikit garam dan limau asam.
- Keep the marinated chicken for about 60 minutes / Simpan ayam yang telah diperap selama 60 minit
- Crush garlic,shallot and cut the parsley into fine pieces./ Racek halus daun ketumbar,pecahkan bawang putih dan bawang merah.
- The remaining olive oil, add in the korma,curry spices,garlic,shallot,fine cut parsley,peeled potatoes,tomatoes,sugar,salt and onion. Mixed the combination well./ Minyak yang berbaki dimasukan rempah korma,kari,bawang putih,bawang merah,daun ketumbar,ubi kentang,tomato,bawang besar,gula dan garam sehingga rata.
- May also rubs on the whole chicken with the above mixed then stuff the inner chicken as the way you like it./ Bahan gaulan diatas boleh juga disapu keatas ayam yang diperap dan masukan juga kedalam bahagian dalam ayam.
How to Cook? Cara Memasak
- On a flat surface, lay the tin foil and position the marinated.stuffed chicken in the middle. Ratakan foil timah dan letakan ayam yg diperap tadi ditengah2.
- All the other balance of ingredient may be place around the chicken./Lebihan bahan diletak disekeliling ayam tadi
- Fold the chicken wholly and tightly as shown below./ Bungkus dengan rapi
- You may either bake it in an oven at 190 degress or grill it for about 90 minutes./ Boleh dimasak didalam oven pada suhu 190 darjah atau dibakar ditempat memangang
Making the sauce / Membuat Sos
- In a preheated pan add in 2 Tbsp olive oil,slices of shallot,garlic and parsley dried flakes. Add in dashes of pepper corn , 2 Tbsp of Tomato Sauce,2 Tbsp Chilly sauce and 1 Tbsp of Thick Black Soy Sauce of course with salt to taste.
Roman Pit Grilled Chicken before topping with the sauce
Grilling it on an open barbeque pit at my backyard